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August 31, 2010


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Trademark is not a verb.

Bob: Complain to Mr. Franzen!

Well, there are a number of things we can say to Mr. Franzen, but let's remember that his character is doing the speaking, not necessarily Mr. Franzen himself. A fine distinction, but a useful one. More to the point is Walter's quaint belief that adding some typographical frippery will avoid trademark infringement. One hopes that someone raises this point deeper into the novel, before these well-meaning people find themselves in court.

Your first clue is that this group ignores the first rule of brainstorming: generate (so to speak) before judging. "Well-meaning people" are the best agents of satire.

What I find really weird here is that Lalitha is the name of one of my former trademark law colleagues. To read a conversation about trademarks with participants named Jessica and Lalitha is somewhat unnerving!

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