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May 06, 2010


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I became curious as to the the origins of the generous use of, "icious" and "ication". I wondered if at some point in the distant past these two forms were spead around so as to seem "natural" or acceptable in some way. Here is what I found in the Wikipedia: Highway Beautification Act 1965 ,encouraged scenic enhancement along nation highways; Bubblicious, the first soft,no-face-sticking bubble gum including flavors- Blowout Blue,Sour Mania and the now discontinued Radical Red.

Nick: I discussed the etymology of "-licious" and its history as a combining form in a December 2009 post: http://bit.ly/4y1AmG

"-fication" comes from Latin -ficationem, "making" or "doing." As far as I can tell, it's been common in English since the 18th century at least.

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