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April 14, 2010


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Great to see a commercial shout-out re: WTC7!

The first band that calls themself that, I'm buying their album. (Album?)

Reminds me, speaking of weird modern band names (Now THERE's an idea for a post) there was/still is an electro-emo duo called I Am the World Trade Center.

They formed in 1996. On their first album is a track called September. It's track 11, of course.


My favorite Liz Lemonism is "What the what?!?!"

I think it applies to both this post and the above comment.

Hmmm...sounds like those military word designations for letters of the alphabet (alpha, bravo, etc.)so, could this be a thinly veiled reference to text-speak "WTF"? Perhaps to reflect their feelings about the current economy? Great find & loved the side-label copy, too! Now, my curiosity's piqued to try the stuff...

This could also be a tribute of sorts to the band Wilco, and their album Yankee Hotel Foxtrot. Or maybe not.

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