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March 16, 2010


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About time. For years I've battled to cope with thin, wide logos that don't work on a TV screen because they can never be big and bold. I have always put it down to the fact that graphic artists never consider a logo's use on TV.

For the same reason they're always conceived as 'out of white' when, for TV, 'out of black' is much more powerful. The 'native' colour of blank paper is white; the 'native' colour of a display screen is black.

Let's hope some graphic artists read this.

I don't think it's reaching too much. In fact I think the comparison is brilliant. Unfortunately the modern designers seemed to have been affected by a huge dose of "The Curse" rather than any ancient graphic sense.Let's hope that a Rosetta Stone is found.

Let's hope the Griffin Theater Company approach does NOT catch on. It's far to difficult to read the thing vertically. I'm sure someone thought "Gee, this is different, therefore it's cool!" Wrong. It's unreadable.

I'm pretty sure I'd be calling the Griffin Theatre Company Fap, Rho, Irn, or Ney, if I ever had occasion to mention it. I'd choose whichever wordlike three-letter combo appealed to me at any given time. Right now I like Fap best.

I'm a little late in the conversation here, but is it too simplistic to point out that such a logo fits better in most online advertising? Think Facebook profile pic or even emails with vertical previews... I'm leaning towards thinking it may be a response to clients not wanting to create a handful of same style logos in different shapes for different media...just a thought.

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