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September 01, 2009


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Great stuff, Nancy. Just the kind of thing I've been planning for "Among the New Words"--and now you've scooped me. :)

Here are some more:


"Intrapreneur" is common enough to be found in several mainstream dictionaries.


Thanks, Grant! Now that you mention it, I do recall seeing "intrapreneur" somewhere or other.

This seems like a good place to note that it is NOT TRUE that George W. Bush once said, "The problem with the French is that they have no word for entrepreneur."


It was only the Baroness Williams of Crosby who claimed that Tony Blair heard him say that, and you KNOW what a kidder she is.

The question of the proper pronunciation of new words has been popping up a lot lately. Are these difficult words children of text where pronunciation is not needed and invention is by spelling only? Could they have been coined in a conversation only setting? Is the web becoming a pod farm for unspeakable words?

"It's often misspelled and even more frequently mispronounced, as though the first or second R weren't there."

You get that a lot with words with an R following a bilabial or a labio-dental.

Defibillator or defibyullator

Whether George Bush really said that about the French or not, the fact is that when they talk about entrepreneurs they are probably grieving the loss of a loved one, wondering how many flowers to order and what sort of coffin they can decently get away with.

I wonder whether on this side of the pond, 'undertaker' isn't coming back into fashion. Or may be it depends on the sector? If it's modern and new and tecchie, the -preneur suffix may be preferred, but in the world of sewage and drainage, they still go for undertakers.

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