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July 20, 2009


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Ugh, so typical. I've said it before and I'll say it again: the Chron deserves whatever it gets, because it can't stop asking for it. Hope that Huebert can make something of it, though.

Oh gracious, there is only one "The City." New York. (haughty sniff).

I think there was a question on the Harvard Dialect Survey about which city is "The City." Several eastern and western cities were possible answers, if I remember correctly.

As a non-SFBA-local-but-native-Californian, I shudder at "Frisco" and "San Fran". But as a linguist, I see it as a signal--if you say it, you're not from around here, so I'd better be nice to you, so you'll learn how we really designate it!

One more thing--do you read Strange Maps? (Hmm, have I already asked you about it/pointed you to it? I recommend it often.) If you like this one you've shared, I think you'd enjoy a lot of what is posted there.

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