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May 13, 2009


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Oh, dear. The first thing the name brought to mind was in effigy. As in, "to burn in effigy?" So, maybe not so promising a name there...

Great post, Nancy. Not only do you find the most interesting examples, but your analysis is always spot-on.

I agree with Tanita: Although my eyes saw "infegy," my brain read "effigy." (But then, I am just slightly dyslexic.)

I'm thinking a liver infection, as "fegato" is liver in Italian. Maybe that's just because I have an Italian friend visiting.

Gee, thanks Nancy. :P

I think our name is short, unique, and easy to remember. But, then again, no one has been inspired enough to write a blog post about how great our name is.. so what do I know?

@Tanita and @NextMoon: Thanks--I should have thought of "effigy"!

@Adam: Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Agree with first commenters... I thought it was an iPhone app marketed to shy (or perhaps butane-deprived) but technologically adept rabble-rousers who want to burn their local potentate in effigy, virtually!

I'm glad someone has the time for this kind of boring and hopefully sarcastic analysis. I hope you caught my sarcasm too.

@Jeff: I'm glad you had the time to read it. No sarcasm.

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