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April 23, 2009


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Having read your blog since 2008, I relish the opportunity to point out that I'm oldschool to the new kids on the block.

Go Nancy go!

I love your writing style. Very refreshing.

Came from kottke. Happy to be here!

Warmest congrats from a member of your base. :-)

I am a new kid via Twitter. Just want to say I come from a long line of closet wordsmiths and am quite happy to follow a blog with occasional posts. People who love language tend to be interesting writers whatever the subject matter.

Mmmmm, bacon.

I used to do a political blog, wrote for years about policy and strategy and so on. 2 readers a day. Then I wrote a snarky review of a post 9/11 TV series and an episode that had a little anti-hippie subplot, and it was picked up by one of the very biggest political blogs and rode at the top of his page for half a day. I went from 2 readers to 20,000 overnight - the second night, 8000 extra - by the time a week had passed, back to 2. So, hey, Enjoy it! Of course, back in those days, I didn't have the option of picking up Tweep-followers.

BTW: After that, I tried to write several snarky reviews of TV series - never scored again.

But all props to Fritinancy - the greatest naming blog ever! It couldn't have happened to a nicer blog.

Your perennial anonymous poster,
Namer X

I don't know that I've ever been called "base" before and been pleased by the designation. But I'm definitely a regular, so I guess that makes me one of the "30". Now if only we could appear in a film of that name with technologically enhanced physiques...

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