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March 26, 2009


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"A name still hasn't stuck, but some of us call it metropolitan. It's city casual, but not 'urban.'"

Hmm. How about "urbane"?

As for "urbeach," that sounds to me as if it ought to mean 'proto-beach.' And I certainly knew that we had urban beaches here in Toronto, but I didn't know we had an Existential Technology Research Centre, and I don't think it would have occurred to me to call anything on the roof of a building a beach at all....

If I ever heard American Apparel (beloved by the hipsters I live among (am)) described as "metro", I'd think that stood for "metrosexual". We usually just refer to it as hipster wear. :)

I agree with Q. Pheevr--"urbeach" can only syllabify as ur + beach, surely.

@Erin: "Metrosexual" was my first thought, too.

@Erin and @Q. Pheever: I like to think of myself as the urbitch.

Well, so much for all of the urban design programs in architecture and design schools around the world.

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