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January 19, 2009


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Wow, word of the week! (I found this through trackback links). It's probably a case of two people coming up with the same idea independently, but I feel a little surge of pride that my blog post is two days before Ana Marie Cox's tweet.

And for the record, the inaugalypse wasn't as apocalyptic as I thought it would be - but it was stunning to be in the crowd of 2 million people.

@Tkb: Thanks for dropping by. I loved reading your account of the Inauguration, and especially appreciated the Reagan subversion in the title (http://is.gd/gQyg , for readers who want to check it out).

Great to see your mention of The Palin Prophecies: Apocalypstick Now!, which I published at KenArnoldBooks (www.kenarnoldbooks.com). And take a look at www.buzzaroonie.com, a new site for authors and books. But you'll perhaps like the word, "buzzaroonie," "aroonie" being an Australian suffix that oddly enough turns up on at least one Charle Parker recording. Coolaroonie...

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