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January 15, 2009


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My running sneakers, manufactured by Brooks, are called "Beast" although I think they recently altered that to be "the Beast."

I feel weird about calling two sneakers "the Beast." Just "Beast" seemed more appropriate.

@Nancy Friedman:
"'an unorthodox but effective FBI veteran' (where have I seen that before?)" Oh, I don't know... http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/CowboyCop

@James: Maybe they could be "the beast with two soles"?

@Q. Pheever: I *heart* TV Tropes.

Tina Brown stole the name from Evelyn Waugh's Scoop.

@Fritinancy: Thank you very much! It's so nice to get the inside scoop on something this early in the year. The possibilities are something to look forward to. Germs were once called "wee beasties".

But none of these will measure up to Ben Kingsley as "Sexy Beast," will they?

@MRP: No indeed! Now I'm wondering whether "Sexy Beast" (2000) started the whole beast vocabulary trend.

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