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January 14, 2009


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I think it's pretty damn clever - somehow, it immediately made me think of Pepsi, but simultaneously it made me think of the Obama logo. Pepsi may have Leverage 2.0 sussed here.

Thanks for pointing out the "wave to smile shift" - that helped me put my finger on why the logo works for me. I like how that makes it mobile - in the old sense, as in moving around: it's not asking me to take it along for the rest of the day, it just kinda waves, smiles, and lets go. Neat?

I wonder if it could work as effectively without the Obama logo as palimpsest?

I'd call it chutzpah. It's funny--I recognized it as Pepsi right away, and then as I was scrolling down through the post, I was beginning to think, "You know, it looks subtly reminiscent of Obama's circle logo," and then I got down to the "Yes you can" and "Hope" signs, and thought, "Well, so much for subtlety."

The lopsided smile, though, also kind of reminds me of this:


Oh, and as for the labels on the bottles, I do rather like the clean, futuristic design, and also the wavy crossbar on the "e" as a throwback to the old logo. On the other hand, the all-lowercase "pepsi" is easy to read as "isded" if you hold the bottle the wrong way round.

I'm also underwhelmed by the new Pepsi logo. As Q. Pheevr said, the bottles and cans look clean and futuristic, but the logo itself just looks strangely lopsided to me.

I saw these ads at the Powell Station just this morning. My partner and I were noting that Pepsi doesn't appear anywhere. And, had I not already seen this logo, I would've had a tough time guessing what they were advertising. My partner thought they looked a lot like the Korean Air logo.

Personally, I don't think this was the full-scale refresh that the Pepsi brand and logo needed. The previous logo was much better in my opinion, and wasn't yet suffering from old-age.

Time will tell what the rest of the public thinks and whether Pepsi sees any positive outcome from the logo change.

I was there today and I thought it was terrible. Not many people may react this way, but the logo looks a lot like Korean Airlines.

@Lance Knobel: Wow, you're absolutely right about the similarity to the Korean Air logo: http://www.koreanair.com/

Anything bright and light hearted in a subway station makes my day. The Diet Pepsi and Coca Cola Zero original black labels looked like motor oil to me, so the new labels are an improvement. The Korean Air logo is based in the ying yang symbol which is also on the Korean flag. I think that the new Pepsi logo is a complete rip off of the red white and blue Obama symbol. It's supposed to be smile? Looks more like a squashed pacman. Patriotic, ying yangy,smiley face something. Hey! Let's run out and buy some. If we just knew what it was. How about this? Pepsi

A few years from now, Pepsi will launch a "retro" campaign and return to the old logo in a fit of traditionalism. Everything old WILL be new again. And vice versa. It's how ancient brands try to stay fresh. :)

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