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January 19, 2009


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When I saw the "Yes We Cab" graphic, my first thought was that it was a poster celebrating the fact that a black person can now get a taxi in New York. I wasn't sure that Obama had that kind of power, but it was still a nice idea.

Alas, just wine.

How could you have missed the Obama soap on a rope?

@David: I didn't mention it because Sarah Hepola did in the article I quote. (It's the Etsy link--"whatever this guy is.")

The "whatever this guy is" soap on a rope guy is truly scary! It's also odd that they say he comes on a black rope, but in the picture it's white.


Before you start shedding tears of happiness again, just a reminder that peace has not broken out, the world in NOT about to start loving us (as is clear to anyone who has truly experienced the world outside the Bay Area), and the New Era is new only in the lore of the Left:





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