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December 15, 2008


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Oreography, of course, has to do with the words stamped into Oreo dough prior to baking.

Orogeny is the process of mountain creation by folding of the earth's crust. I'm thinking geologists know a lot about orogenous zones.

LOL at orogenous zones. I'm not sure about geologists knowing about them, but I'm sure the dinosaurs of the Triassic did. They tried many things to stay extinction.

Words of the week are pretty hilarious! Do they really exist or are you guys making them up?

Yaroslave: I'm looking around, and I see only one "guy" here at Fritinancy Central, and she is a gal. And no, "we" do not make up words for Word of the Week. ("We" do make up words for our clients who need corporate or product names, however.) All Words of the Week have been spotted at least once, and usually more frequently, in reliable online and offline sources.

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