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July 25, 2008


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Glad to be of inspiration (or of hats, if you will), Nancy. And, thanks for the link to the noun collective.

Oh, "murder of crows" has long been my fave collective noun. I can't believe it's not there.

Also: How about "a plaid of golfers"?

@Editrix: A plaid of golfers! w00t!

Etymologically speaking, some of the venereal terms are highly artificial ("an exaltation of larks") as distinct from organic ("a pack of hounds, a herd of cows"). This does not reduce their entertainment value.

On that note:

A compilation of programmers
A scribble of writers
A revision of editors
A strikeout of copy editors
A meeting of managers
A retreat of executives

Some are a bit of stretch (an expansion of stretches, perhaps), oh, well.

@Mike: Well done, sir! "A strikeout of copy editors" is especially timely, given my other post of the day.

the way I play I prefer a "rough of golfers"

I like galumph, we should work to keep alive anyway.

I can't find "fluther" in any dictionary, including the OED.

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