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June 05, 2008


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The Doppler Effect doesn't deal with loudness of a sound, but the sound's frequency or pitch. The the train's sound is higher on approach than when it's moving away from the observer.

Dang. I only knew one (aside from Doppler). Guess which, haha.

Some more from random searchery:

Coriolis Effect
Hawthorne Effect
Rosenthal Effect (aka Pygmalion Effect)
Osborne Effect
(so-called) Mozart Effect
Matthew Effect (as in, apostle of that name)

And on the more obscure side ...

Venturi Effect (mechanics often know about "venturis", actually, a device that takes advantage of this effect)
Hall Effect
Zeeman Effect

... and a bunch more in phyics and related fields.

(Sorry, once I got started, I had a hard time stopping.)

@Regan: Thanks! Post has been updated.

@Mike: I'm going to be busy this weekend checking out all those effects. I had Hawthorne Effect on my original list, but it turns out to be named after a factory--the Hawthorne Works, outside Chicago, where the original research was done--and not a person. The factory was named for the town, which may have been named for a person, but its eponymousness seemed tenuous. I do love the Hawthorne Effect, though: it's like the Coolidge Effect, but in the workplace or classroom rather than the boudoir. It describes a short-term improvement in worker (or student) productivity in response to an environmental change.

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