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June 03, 2008


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Thanks for the laugh re NuttyBuddy! And for making me look up "Mongo." I wanted to know why it sounded both large and diminutive at the same time. Behold, it's both a fictional planet and a dim-witted gunslinger. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongo and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mongo_(planet)

I think "he-cups" pronounced, "hiccups" would be the best name for a male bra. So male world leaders would have more to talk about than war, you know , give them something in common to talk about. "I got my he-cups in China How about you?"

This blog is a feast! Thanks!
Check out the rest of the iRobot site. Under Government and Industrial robots you can find : Helping "warfighters" and "first responders". These robots pack a lot more punch than gutter cleaners. Make sure you get the right model when you order. Don't want to blow away the neighbors BMW while trying to get rid of unwanted leaves. Then under ,Careers, you can find: "Our Mission" ; build cool stuff; deliver great product (no 's'); make money; have fun; change the world. And ....they all wear the same color polo shirts. Oh,oh.... wasn't this a comic ? or was it a movie?

NuttyBuddy as a product name for athletic cups? Hmmm. . . explore the possibilities. . .
JellyBelly for body shapers. Good&Plenty a new Victoria's Secret bra. I'm going to leave Goobers, Popsicle, and PopRocks alone for now.

Oh, at least the NuttyBuddy people stayed clear of using "Snickers" as a size description.

@Kelly: I love that line of dialogue in "Blazing Saddles" when big bad Mongo (played by Alex Karras) first threatens the town. One of the terrified citizens says with semi-religious fervor, "Mongo! Santa Maria!"

@Christa Allan: Or "Twinkie."

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