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January 07, 2008


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Meh. I don't like it because it's just so wrong! I'm sure it's unstoppable, though, like "impactful."

I've not gotten into the antedating game before. But here goes: I found what looks like a citation from December 2000 (click on my name to take a look) -- tho some of these online dates can be misleading.

Excellent sleuthing, Michael! Thanks!

Schmoopie: "Monumentous" feels more to me like "ginormous" than "impactful"--a portmanteau superlative created because all the real superlatives, like "awesome," have been devalued.

I know I use dozens of portmanteau words, but I still feel a twinge of horror when I witness their birth. This one will take some getting used to.

Please can I go down in history as the person to coin ‘ginormonumentous’… created because all the real superlatives, like "monumentous," have been devalued?

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