It's been a while since I've mentioned the scourge of corporate "passion," but that doesn't mean the P-word has withered on the vine. No, indeed.
London graphic designer Ben Terrett writes:
We had a printer turn up this morning, unannounced. He just knocked on the door. His business card assured us that he was "passionate about print". Which made me wonder how many other printers were "passionate about print".
Lots, as it happens.
In fact, Terrett found at least 11 companies that used the slogan "Passionate About Print." He has visual evidence.
And that's just in the UK. On this side of the pond, Corporate Printers (is that a passionate name or what?) in Cummings, GA, is "as passionate about print as you are." I can't resist quoting the first sentence of Corporate Printers' home page: "Nothing has the sheer emotional sizzle than a beautiful piece of printing." Tip: Less passion, more grammar. [sic], in Las Vegas, is "passionate about print media and we pay attention to details." A new diagnostic category: obsessive-compulsive-passionate, or OCP.
Rosiedog Creative Services in Las Vegas is also "passionate about print." And lukewarm about web design, to judge from the insanely wide column width on its home page.
PrintPlace, in Arlington, TX, gives the slogan a creative twist: it's "passionate about printing."
And so on.
Read my original post on the topic, "Our Passion Is Your Problem," which includes my rhyming ode to corporate passion, suitable for setting to music. Still not satisfied? I've got lots more.
Hat tip to Qwghlm, who linklogs at
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