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January 08, 2008


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Add to that the fact that St. Pauli is Hamburg's red-light district and you've got a mighty appealing brew, no? I would call this campaign, in the immortal words of Chazz Michael Michaels from "Blades of Glory," "mind-bottling."

I think it's a bit of advice. We can all be like the St Pauli girl. We should try to work so hard bringing those drinks to thirsty drunken louts -- that we eventually drop dead from refreshing them.

Be a beer martyr.

Gosh, Michael, you're (dead) right! It's got to be an imperative. Otherwise they'd have put a hyphen between "drop" and "dead."

Wouldn't they?

So let me get this straight ... they want us to accept that the ultimate refresh is to drop dead. Well that seems to confirm everything I've done with Windows for the past 10 years ....

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