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September 19, 2007


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Svedka missed an opportunity for geek chic. They could have said "party like its 2038". (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Year_2038_problem)

What also makes this funny is the fact that I get e-mails about how "cool" my tag line is.

It pays to be the sheep I guess?

Hey, at least I didn't go with "Got Booze?"

Janet: I bow to your superior geek power!
Rick: Maybe 360 Vodka will make an offer to buy your tagline! Hint: Hold out for at least $1,000.

Amazingly, I don't think "make X not Y" or "saving the world one X at a time" are in the queue yet. It's up to 219 now!

Not commercial advertising, but in the knitting world, there is a slogan "Make Gloves Not War."

Speaking of "geek chic," how about CBS's new show "Big Bang Theory" that premiers on Tues. The line "Smart is the new sexy." I like it!

Swedish for "Swedish" is actually "Svenska".

Justin: Thanks! Fixed now.

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