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July 26, 2007


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That birthday thing is called the Birthday paradox (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Birthday_paradox) and is studied in most intro probability classes. =)

Everyone: Apologies about the broken Wikipedia links in the bulleted list. They're fixed now.

And don't forget 23 skidoo! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/23_skidoo

Nancy B: Thank you for reminding me. I meant to include something on "23 skidoo," which has an interesting and unresolved history. In addition to the Wikipedia article, there's the excellent work done by Barry Popik. Here's a link to his site, The Big Apple: http://www.barrypopik.com/index.php/new_york_city/entry/twenty_three_skidoo_myth/

Nancy, I have honestly never read a web startup's name more astutely de-constructed. Bravo!

Compass360 is a good bunch o' guys up in Canada. They did good work on our logo (that is still not on our website, of course) and I think that their name predates the copycat naming going on today.

It must be awful to invent a name-style like Flickr did and then have a billion imitators that make your name old in an instant.

Another important feature of the name -- alphanumeric sorting.

We are used to seeing names like 'AAA Plumbing' being chosen for their placement in a phonebook. When using the usual sorting rules for computers 23andMe will nearly always be at the top of any auto-generated list.

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