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April 20, 2007


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I feel the same about proposals.

One good source on a sales process that eliminates proposals is Let's Get Real or Let's Not Play by Mahan Khalsa.

Khalsa's book is about technical sales but I suspect it might have some wisdom for what you face to.

Keep creating,

Hello Nancy!

Love the post and the find. I'm in complete agreement. In talking with they guys as Igor they mentioned a similar sentiment. They were on a conference call with competitors and they were asked to state their approach to naming on the call - they were silent. And they got the contract.

There have been a few RFPs I would've gladly sent in that form rather than go through the 18 hoops only to find out that they were just going through the RFP process to determine if their *existing contract holder* was giving them a fair deal. It has happened more than once to us.

Let's hear it for referrals and partnerships. Low upfront effort, high close rate, and a predisposition to liking our work...

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