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April 02, 2007


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Interesting, as my blog is named "knits with a silent k". But I'm with you- I keep saying "k-nuru, k-nuru, what does that mean?" in my head. And "nuru" is kind of awkward to say; more awkward than guru, and it doesn't quite get me to thinking "guru".

I agree with you that a subtle but real problem with "Knuru" is that it describes the organization and not how users will benefit. All the same, I rather like the name because in this instance, what they are helps me visualize why I'd like their service. If I may vote, I'll give them a 4.

I think that knuru is a creative and unique name, and based on that, if the 'research engine' as they call it, is truly useful, has a chance to gain popularity. I wonder if they'll partner with other Ivy League schools and research databases besides Wharton?

I'm going to check it out.

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