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August 28, 2006


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This one really hits home for me. I was recently in a group meeting for an engineering project I'm working on for a certain producer of ink filled writing implements. In a room of six highly educated, well read people it took about two hours for us to come up with about a half-dozen choices for a name.

The fantastically interesting part about that is that not a one of those was even bordering on decent. Really, this was supposed to be a trivial first step in this project, but it has turned into a real sticky wicket. Who could have believed so much work would go into something as "simple" as a name?

Still smiling due to your commentary on Microsoft! "Make mine a small limp name please!"

And I have seen what Steve speaks of in his comment; bright people frozen by the challenge to come up with a name. Painful!

Very helpful wisdom - thanks for calling it the way it is with a big strong posting. Grin.

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