Fritterware? Inspiration? As we consultants like to say, " depends." But there's definitely something addictive about automated name and slogan generators. Me, I get a kick out of Richard Gingras's Name-O-Rama, which lets you spin for new names in high tech, snack foods, housing developments, boys' and girls' names, and several other categories; and the Advertising Slogan Generator, from the good folks at The Surrealist in the U.K. (also the home of the Random Surrealism Generator). (Thanks to Shannon at Not Keeping Score for this link.)
Name-O-Rama is truly automatic--just click for results--but Advertising Slogan Generator lets you choose your input. Here are the first five slogans it generated for me when I typed "words" into the "sloganize" field (not "sloganise"? how un-British!):
- Got Words? (pretty obvious, but Mr. Sloganizer was just warming up)
- Bring Out the Words
- Fall into the Words
- Does the Hard Words for You (not bad!)
- You Deserve a Words Today (those pesky plurals make Mr. Sloganizer's head hurt).
I wrote a little piece on computer-generated poetry, Eliza-like artificial conversations and similar topics:
Posted by: Matthew Stibbe | June 21, 2006 at 04:07 AM